Even in full remote, our students are at it again and showing amazing things. Here are some samples from Mrs. Suda's grade 4/5 class recreating famous paintings with their own twist! They are incredible!
After learning how to build a paper airplane that broke the world's record for distance as well as a tumblewing, balloon rocket, miniature hot air balloon, and a variety of other flying devices, Grade 6/7 students designed and built their own flying devices. Some students found ways to create the thrust force instead of using muscular force to get their flying device in motion (e.g., catapult, hair blower, chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda, air pressure). After testing their device, students made modifications to improve the time it stayed in the air and/or the distance they traveled.
The Grade 4s are currently studying the life of the Sumerians who lived in Ancient Mesopotamia more than 4000 years ago. As they are learning about key aspects of this early society, they found out that Sumer is thought to be the first early civilization in the world and the first people to develop a system of writing. Students had the opportunity to learn Sumerian cuneiform and write in wet clay like the Sumerians did thousands of years ago.
Royal Roads has a Virtual Art Museum created by Mrs. Captein and working with Grade 3 students. The grade 6/7 class learned how to make a similar virtual museum creating a Cree collection that could be found at the ROM in Toronto. It became a fun way to show off their knowledge! Here is a quick funny link to the Bitmoji Virtual Museum. Click on the picture below to take you for a quick tour!
The Canadian Pioneers learned how to make corn husk dolls from some of the Indigenous people of Canada.
Over the last few work periods in 3L in Social Studies, students learned how Pioneer and Indigenous children made their own toys from natural materials they found in their environment. (Walmart and Toys R Us did not exist!) There wasn't a book with step-by-step instructions on how to make them either. Children learned how to make the basic doll form from their mothers and used their imaginations/creativity to build the rest. We promoted experimenting with materials, letting the students know that the pioneer children probably had just as much fun building the "craft" as they did playing with it.